Visa Credit Cards
Credit cards are a fact of life and in some instances, a necessity. If you are looking for a credit card that won’t break your budget with added fees and high interest rates, why not choose a First Choice VISA® Credit Card.
The FCCCU Visa is a straight forward, no-frills, SIMPLE credit card. Our on-going rate starts at 9.9% and tops at 15.9% for qualifying applicants. There is no annual fee, a 25-day grace period on purchase and a competitive interest rate that will not increase if you accidentally miss a payment.
For a limited time, until April 30, 2020, transfer balances on your other cards to a FCCCU Visa. Receive a promotional rate of 5.99% for 12 months, and your low qualifying rate thereafter.
Need Help?
Complete the online loan application or stop by one of our three locations to get your First Choice VISA® application started today.